Thursday 11 April 2013

LA CHISPA. Reviw of students of Univerisidad de Chile.

The La Chispa review is an initiative of different political groups of Universidad de Chile, among them my group Plataforma Colectiva (from the Social Science Faculty), La Escotilla (Medicine Faculty), NODO (Law Faculty), La Revoltosa (government school) and others.

This review has two modalities: one presence, in format of hard copy delivering in all faculties and schools of University, and another like a website, in which we upload information, news and opinion columns about student movement, university politics and national contingency.
The purpose of La Chispa is encouraged the debate and political dispute in student of the University to improve in clarities to the student mobilization.

Particularly, the web site of La Chispa ( is a dynamic site where we find information, news but specially opinion columns of student about contingency of mobilization. For example, the last week we uploaded a column about constitutional accusation against minister of Education Harald Beyer ( In addition, we find very interesting articles about history, political model, battles revolutionaries, Latin-American process…
Always from a revolutionary perspective that seeks to provide a character of class to student movement. 


  1. Hi mati:
    I like the La Chispa, is a very very good review. And the column about the constitucional accusation is very good.
    see you later the Monday

  2. Hi Mati,
    thanks for tell me about this week homework. I read your post and is very interesting. I think that i go to visit most often La Chispa.

    see you!

  3. Hello Mathias! now a can see your blog, is very nice! congratulations for your blog and for CHISPA, I think is a very good magazine.
