Thursday 25 April 2013

Ideology, Culture and School

For my course of investigation’s work in my four year of sociology’s career I will research about the correlation among ideology, culture and primary education. For that I will focus in institution of primary school. The relevance of seeing that, the link among three concepts, gives evidence of how exist a “society view” that determines the contents, organization, administration, finance and other things that the school needs to operate.

The interesting point is the analyze the cultural reproduction and material reproduction the condition of life of social classes. For that is necessary observe the social relation among students y how them in yours acts demonstrates the appropriation of behaviours that respond a certain “intentionality” ideological.

For this, I will draw the Marxist theory, specially three authors: Karl Marx for his concept of “social class” and “false awareness”, a Vladimir Lenin for his concept of “ideology” and Antonio Gramsci for his concept of “hegemony”. Logically, I will work whit other authors and research done.
Today I’m reading so much. I’m learning whit Henry Giroux and Paul Willis, for example. I hope do it a good research J

Falta una entrada :(

La completaré...

Thursday 11 April 2013

LA CHISPA. Reviw of students of Univerisidad de Chile.

The La Chispa review is an initiative of different political groups of Universidad de Chile, among them my group Plataforma Colectiva (from the Social Science Faculty), La Escotilla (Medicine Faculty), NODO (Law Faculty), La Revoltosa (government school) and others.

This review has two modalities: one presence, in format of hard copy delivering in all faculties and schools of University, and another like a website, in which we upload information, news and opinion columns about student movement, university politics and national contingency.
The purpose of La Chispa is encouraged the debate and political dispute in student of the University to improve in clarities to the student mobilization.

Particularly, the web site of La Chispa ( is a dynamic site where we find information, news but specially opinion columns of student about contingency of mobilization. For example, the last week we uploaded a column about constitutional accusation against minister of Education Harald Beyer ( In addition, we find very interesting articles about history, political model, battles revolutionaries, Latin-American process…
Always from a revolutionary perspective that seeks to provide a character of class to student movement. 

Thursday 4 April 2013

A Little Myself

Hello. My name is Matías Jaramillo, i'm 21 years old and i study sociología in Universidad de Chile. Currently i live in Santiago, but i'm from Graneros, little town of sixth region, near Rancagua. Live here because my career is impart in this city. Today, i have more than three years living in the capital, always with friends. 

This is my fourth year in sociology and i'm eager of finish my career. In this years I found real friend and the girlfiend. Also, I learn a lot about the sociology, social science, human relation and the how living independent.

For me, also, the politic and the militancy are very important. Today I'm an active member of a political group of my university campus, its name is Plataforma Colectiva.   

On a different note, I like the pie, beer, smoking, cats, listen to music and travel in bicycle in the city.