Wednesday 15 May 2013

My presentation

Hello everyone,

Today I'll write about my next exposition in english III asignature. The subject that I'll work  it's about a specifict topic of sociology: Sociology of education.

I choose this theme because sinces two years ago I have been developed my university works about this topic. It has been so interesting for me, I feel that it is one of the topics of applicated sociology more related to understand the social reality of Chile in our days. I wondered: How the education that is delivered to the childrens today affects in the formation of our society? That's why I have been working on the concept "School", it has a extensive developing in the sociology tradition since Durkheim in the XIX century til the actuality. 

I will focus principally on expose what it is the sociology of education, wich is it aim and method, and I will try to approach in what I have been  trying to specialize: The resistance theory, with authors like Paul Willis anf Henry Giroux.

I hope that my exposition make clear what I'm working on and why I'm interested on

1 comment:

  1. Mati, I'm very excited about your presentation because I don't know very much about this topic. =)
