Saturday 22 June 2013


This will be one of my favorite posts.

I have never traveled a lot. I know very little about some places of my country and I have never traveled abroad. However, I could finally leave the central zone of the country and I was going to visit part of the Chilean Patagonia. The trip was planned by my girlfriend and me the last year, because she has an aunt who lives in Coyhaique. So, as we wanted to go on a trip that summer, it was the perfect place to go. We invited one of our best friends, Javier, and put together the three of us and left on February 7th.

The most exciting thing started from the beginning at the moment of boarding the plane. I had never flown, so I enjoyed it as I were a child during the 2 hours
over the clouds. When we got to Coyhaique, we spent two days preparing the roadmaps. After doing that, we started backpacking in wonderful places. Our transports were cars and we hitchhiked to stop them. It was a good idea indeed, haha. We visited Cerro Castillo and the wonderful Tamago Lagoon. We went across the Patagonia for 4 hours up to arrive at Puerto Tranquilo, where we ate popular barbecues. Then, we slept one night in Puerto Bertrand and arrived in Cochrane (a “large” city in the Patagonia). We were there just for a day to take a bus to get to our austral destiny: Caleta Tortel. No doubt, it was the most impressive thing because it is a town made of wooden footbridges, without streets and sidewalks. We also visited the Island of the Dead with an amazing story there. Coming back toward the north, we went across Cochrane, Chile Chico and crossed the enormous General Carrera lake to get to Puerto Ibañez and finally Coyhaique.

Those 20 days were absolutely marvelous. I would repeat the same experience but going to the southern part of the country.

Sunday 16 June 2013


Always is complex talk about the music that one listen to. Certainly is because the linkage with feelings is direct, so we do not listen the same things ever.

Curiously, when I read the post of the teacher in her blog I think much more quickly in the music, the sogs and the bands that doesn't like me. Well, most of them doesn't like to the most people... like Maná, as an example. Then I remember the first bands that since a child liked me and go over the stages of music it's very interesting. Much times we liked the music that we should like because everyone like.

So, today I want to tell you about who I'm listen the most songs in the last weeks: Silvio Rodriguez. In my house always heard really loud the weekends, when my mother do home stuff. Certainly it wasn't the only what we heard, but it was always present.

Today I heard it with others ears. Are there lyrics and there songs that much times give me  the necessary strength to keep going every morning thinking that other world it is possible, where we have to burn the sky if is it necessary for living for any house, for any man.

Silvio show us a music much more militant and committed with the revolution than others, that without pretend  to be musically exquisite, gave to the heart the strength that sometimes lack.